Tina Alesi is an abstract artist currently exhibiting (and selling) a collection of oil paintings and multimedia collages at one hundredth gallery.
Tina will be exhibiting her artworks until 18 December.
The official opening night for Tina’s exhibition starts at 6.30pm this evening and everyone is welcome.
one hundredth gallery is for everyone new to art
49 porter street prahran
between greville and commercial
open wed-fri 11-7 | sat-sun 12-5
Painting and creating for me always offers a unique experience into colour. When I work with paint I have the feelings of being connected to the present moment of painting and who I really am. I enjoy the process of painting and playing with colours and creating shapes. When I paint I let the present moment take over to create a painting that speaks the truth of paint and myself.
I usually like to use bright colours that are fun and cheerful. While there are wars and starvation in the world and we are all affected by the struggles of globalisation, I want to bring back happiness through paint, and colour. I work from the ideas of craft and the idea of the hand made as an integral element of my work. Expressionism and abstraction is the most honest way for me to express my inner feeling and ideas. I am influenced by contemporary cultural elements such as music, language, fashion and advertising. I am interested in the elements of what creates high Art and low Art or craft. I also play on these ideas and use irony with the art world and art culture, to create a deeper dialogue of what art is and who are artist. These influences create who I am and how culture has impacted on my life.
Creating ART is a passion I am absorbed by and the need to create and celebrate life and paint is how I feel towards my work. This body of work is a celebration of painting and colour. When people that see my work I would like them to connect with that energy and enjoy the depth of what colour and paint can do.
– Tina Alesi
To see more of Tina’s work, please click here or on the image below.