brush with the big time

Jodie Cooper is featured on page 7 of this week’s Stonnington Leader!

Jodie’s exhibition opens at one hundredth gallery on Wednesday 18 January and will run for 2 weeks.

Please note that one hundredth gallery’s address is 49 Porter St Prahran, not 99 as published in the article.

Details of Jodie’s exhibition can be found here –

this was the ad…

…that was supposed to be in todays Melbourne Weekly Magazine. I’m still waiting to hear from them as to why it wasn’t.

second ad

Our second ad went in to the Melbourne Weekly Magazine today. It features ‘Secret Conversation’ by Mark Harman which is available in the gallery for the next two weeks.

The 600mm x 400mm print is available unframed for $185 and $385 framed.

our first ad

Our first ad is on page 5 of the melbourne weekly magazine issued today. This magazine goes to 109,813 households across the eastern suburbs. Here’s hoping for a busy weekend!














Our second ad scheduled for next Wednesday looks a little something like this… (actually, it looks a lot like this).