two new photo documentary exhibitions

Today, we open two new photo documentary exhibitions. 

The grand opening for both exhibitions is tomorrow, Thursday 27 October at 6.30pm.

Everyone is welcome!

Front Room | Do we have a Plan B? by Georgia Laughton

In the front room, artist Georgia Laughton tackles the challenging issue of overfishing and the impending death of our oceans. The oceans are the lifeforce that keeps our planet alive – yet it has been predicted that we will have wiped out all the life in the oceans by 2049. Through sometimes graphic and confronting imagery, Gerogia poses the question, Do we have a Plan B for when we fish the last fish?

You can read more about Georgia and her exhibition by clicking here.

Do we have a Plan B?‘ opens at one hundredth gallery at 11am today and finishes at 5pm on Sunday 6 November.


Middle Room | My Australia by Andrea Drury

In the middle room, Andrea Drury follows up her last photo documentary exhibition ‘Camino Seguro’, with ‘My Australia’. This new exhibition examines stories and images from recent migration and post refugee life in Australia. Despite racism in the form of negative media stereotypes, many recent migrants and refugees are resilient, determined and amazing people finding their place in our culture and adding to our society.

You can read more about Andrea and her exhibition by clicking here.

My Australia‘ opens at one hundredth gallery at 11am today and finishes at 5pm on Sunday 30 October.