facebook, twitter, and other such things

It’s true.  A couple of years ago I told friends and family that I would not be joining facebook, twitter, or any other ‘social’ website.  Two years later, I’m on facebook, and twitter, and am also writing this blog!

So, what’s changed? 

I’m opening a new art gallery business, and there is a very good chance that my target audience, both artists and patrons of the arts use social media to communicate.  If I’m not on facebook, or twitter, or if I am not blogging about my journey, then I may as well not exist!

I come from an old school of communication that says, don’t communicate until you know what the person you’re communicating to wants to hear/see/receive.  It’s an old-school of thought as there are now millions of people ‘thinking out loud’ and millions of other people linking in to read what they want to read and discard the stuff that they’re not interested in.

So, here we go!  Please bear with me as this old dog learns some new tricks!  Social media is not my forte and I’m spending way too much time staring blankly at my computer racking my brain to try and think of something that you may want to read!

Thankfully I have a social media extraordinaire and marketing guru (my wife, Samantha from thisisbento.com) guiding me on this journey into the un/known.

If there is something that you want to know, want to read, or are interested in, then please let me know via email at charles@100thgallery.com