We are very proud to open a new Online Exhibition today by photographer/artist Kate Hursthouse. Kate’s first exhibition with one hundredth gallery is titled ‘Stepping Out’ and includes photography from all over the world.
Kate’s online exhibition and biography can be found on the NOW SHOWING tab above, or by clicking here.
All but one of Kate’s works are for sale in multiple sizes, and prices start from only $70.00 for a 8″ x 12″ print on archival paper.
“Twestival was born out of the idea that if cities were able to collaborate on an international scale, but work from a local level, it could have a spectacular impact. Over 200 international cities from Buenos Aires to Bangalore, Seattle to Seoul and Hong Kong to Honolulu have participated in Twestival.”
This year Twestival Melbourne is supporting STREAT. All proceeds will go towards this awesome organisation. All of the organisers have been hard at work at getting sponsors and auction items for the event. We all hope to raise as much money as possible for STREAT.
To do our bit, one hundredth gallery have donated a couple of our walls in our soon to be opened Prahran gallery space as a auction item. Please come along and place a bid!
Event Details
Location – STREAT HQ at 673 Bourke Street, Melbourne
Date: March 24th 2011
Time: 6pm to 9pm
Tickets can be purchased here
For more information, please see http://melbourne.twestival.com/
We are extremely excited to open a new Online Exhibition today by Melbourne artist/photographer Mark Harman. Mark is the type of talented (yet undiscovered) artist that one hundredth gallery’s philosophy is built on. We believe that Mark’s artistic talent should be made public for everyone to enjoy. Mark’s first exhibition with one hundredth gallery is titled ‘My Melbourne’.
Mark’s online exhibition and biography can be found on the NOW SHOWING tab above, or by clicking here.
All of Mark’s works are limited to 250 prints, and start from only $125.00 each unframed.
Following Wolfgang’s stunning first exhibition with one hundredth gallery; ‘Macro Artscapes‘, we are thrilled to open Wolfgang’s second online exhibition simply titled ‘Artscapes’. In this exhibition, Wolfgang continues to share his unique view of Tasmania through his superior artistic photography.
Wolfgang’s second online exhibition and biography can be found on the NOW SHOWING tab above, or by clicking here.
Please enjoy ‘Artscapes’ by Wolfgang Glowacki.
With the exception of the council planning application, we are gaining some wonderful momentum at one hundredth gallery!
We have at least three new online exhibitions opening this week! Pete Goodlet’s second exhibition ‘The Beauty is in the Moment’ launched this morning; a second exhibition by Wolfgang Glowacki launches tomorrow; and a new exhibition by artist/photographer Mark Harman will open on Wednesday.
Another five artists are currently preparing their exhibitions so we may have even more new art for you after Wednesday!
The walls are almost finished! We worked through most of Saturday to put up the final coats of render on all but one wall. I will be sanding and painting them this week, getting us one step closer to completion.
The lights are in and are working brilliantly. The flexibility of the system is wonderful with multi-directional lighting units and the ability to put them wherever they are needed.
The front window lights have been installed on a timer so that they can be on most of the night; and the interior lights have been installed on a sensor so that we can minimise our electricity use and carbon footprint.
A Door
One of the most exciting things that happened last week was that I hung a door… all by myself. A door! Not only did it fit in its doorway, it swings and even opens and closes. I was never very good at woodwork at school so this is a huge achievement for me (and was also a huge surprise!). Okay, you can all stop laughing now…
The council planning application
No progress to report.
Following Pete’s whimsical first exhibition with one hundredth gallery; ‘Noddy Comes to Daylesford’, we are very proud to open Pete’s second online exhibition titled ‘The Beauty is in the Moment’. In this exhibition, Pete continues his use of vibrant colours and free flowing lines to encapsulate happiness.
Pete’s second online exhibition and biography can be found on the NOW SHOWING tab above, or by clicking here.
Please enjoy ‘The Beauty is in the Moment’ by Pete Goodlet.
Craft Victoria – deadline for exhibition proposals is 31 March 2011
Craft Victoria promotes contemporary craft and design. Their exhibition program provides professional opportunities and support for emerging and established artists. They support projects that reflect innovative work; demonstrate new ideas and techniques, whilst extending critical debates. Their program also provides opportunities for externally curated exhibitions. Craft Victoria fosters creativity and experimentation to a local, national and international audience.
More information – http://bit.ly/fxyZYU
This is Not Art – submission close 31 March 2011
This is Not Art is a supercharged convergence of writers, performers, thinkers, independent and industry musicians, creative researchers, electronic artists, dilettantes, and DIY culture makers in a showcase featuring over 400 local, national and international artists.
More information – http://bit.ly/hVTCBK
Rhizome Grants – deadline for applications is 14 April 2011
Rhizome award grants to emerging artists for creation of new media art. By new media art, they mean projects that creatively engage new and networked technologies and works that reflect on the broader social and political impact of these tools and media in a variety of forms. Rhizome defines emerging artist as artists who exhibit great potential yet are not fully recognized within their field. Commissioned works can take the final form of web-based works, works that engage mobile platforms, performance, video, installation or sound art. Projects can be made for the context of the gallery, the public, the web or networked devices. Rhizome Commissions awards generally range from $1,000 to $5,000.
More information – http://bit.ly/u3or4
Creative Industries’ Career Fund – deadline for applications is 15 April 2011
As part of the Cultural Fund, Copyright Agency Limited allocates $100,000 a year to support individual Australian creators and those involved in the creative industries who wish to develop their skills and take their careers to the next level. Applicants can apply for grants of up to $5,000 to undertake training, travel or other activities that will enhance their careers.
More information – http://bit.ly/eEv5qU
Artsite – Submissions close 30 June 2011
Submissions are invited from Local Artists living in the Inner West of Sydney for consideration for inclusion in the inaugural “The Cats Pyjamas” Exhibition at Artsite Gallery in 2011.
More information – http://bit.ly/hDinFm
On the back of Michell Guo’s hugely popular debut exhibition ‘Not Without Soul’, we are very excited to open Michell’s second online exhibition titled ‘Not without Passion’.
Michell’s second online exhibition and biography can be found on the NOW SHOWING tab above, or by clicking here.
Please enjoy ‘Not Without Passion’ by Michell Guo.
Sorry for the lack of communication recently. It has been a very busy and productive week!
In summary, our walls are almost finished; we have our lighting system installed; and we should have another two or three new online exhibitions opening for you soon!
Ric and I were back at the gallery last Tuesday with Ric’s dad to try and complete the rendering of the walls. We got very close with only one side of one wall yet to be completed. We did however run into a new problem in that the rendered finish isn’t as smooth as it should be. So, we will be sanding them back at some stage this week. As soon as that is done, they will be ready for painting!
The two most important things in a physical gallery space are the hanging system and the lighting system.
After hunting around for the right lighting system for months, I finally found the right one for our little gallery. It is an extremely flexible track system that allows the lights to be clicked in and clicked out of any position on the track that they need to be. Each light unit also has four moveable flaps on it so that light can be best directed onto the artwork. You wouldn’t believe how many choices there are when it comes to globes, but we ended up choosing 90 degree xenon satin finish globes. Apart from lasting 10,000 hours each, the globes offer a very soft and warm light, with no blue, green or pink colouring.
I was at the gallery at 8am on Saturday morning to help the electrician install the lighting system. He said that it would take between one and two days to install; and I thought that if I helped I could keep it to one day, saving me a day of labour rates. I was wrong wrong wrong. If a tradesperson quotes one to two days, they mean two to three days. And they are not going to work any more quickly because they are getting help. In fact, (and as per my case) they will probably slow down.
He showed up late at 8.45am and started packing up by 3.30pm. In fairness, he didn’t stop for lunch but had enough ciggie/mobile phone breaks to make up for that. I’d estimate that I actually got about 5 ½ hours work out of him. Not bad when you’re getting paid by the day, and not by the hour.
And he had me working hard… the hardest I’ve worked for a long time. Up and down ladders, measuring, cutting, lifting, holding, positioning, and installing. By the end of the day I was sore… very sore; in both senses of the word. We had installed nine lengths of track to the ceiling and not much else. No wiring and no switches. No lights.
The electrician told me he would need another couple of hours to complete the job and so he returned on Sunday. As he would be wiring, I left him alone. I got a call at about 3.30pm to say that he was still there. He had wired everything up, but nothing worked so he had to go back over it and check all of the connections. Of course, I would be paying for this.
The good news is that the lighting system is now working (and will hopefully continue to work well into the future). Even though it cost double the estimate, it looks great and does a fantastic job.
If this gallery business doesn’t work out, I think I will go to TAFE and do a trade. It has to be the only ‘industry’ where you get paid to fix your own mistakes… and paid more than most other professions!