emerging artists now showing

One hundredth gallery is all about exhibiting aspiring and emerging artists.  Painters, photographers, sculptors, designers, textile makers, drawers, print makers, etc. are all welcome to exhibit their work with us.

We currently have three online exhibitions showing and hope to add a fourth and fifth later this week.  All artwork is for sale and enquiries can be made directly to the artist.

If you haven’t already, please check out these wonderful emerging artists.


mark hammon

six pack

4 Feb – 6 Mar 2011


janicke johansen

above and below

31 Jan – 27 Feb 2011

brian mangano

more than city lights

28 Jan – 27 Feb 2011


Special offer until 30 April 2011

Between 1 February and 30 April 2011, we will exhibit up to ten of your artworks on 100thgallery.com for free.  Please click here for further details.


art project by google

This is awesome!

Google has just released a ‘street view’ concept for 17 or the world’s best galleries.  You can now visit 385 gallery rooms and view more than 1,000 works of art in galleries like New York City’s Metropolitan and MoMA, London’s Tate Britain, Madrid’s Reina Sofia, Amsterdam’s Rijsmuseum, and Florence’s Uffizi.  You can literally navigate around these galleries ‘street view’ style.

And there is no lining up, no admission fee, and no crowds!

Whilst this is still a distant second to visiting these galleries in real life, the virtual tours provide everyone with access to a computer the opportunity to view some of the world’s great art.


thelma’s flood relief fundraiser at £1000 Bend

by kealey@thelmamagazine.com

Attention all artists, crafts-people, bloggers, and market-vendors! We are on the look out for people who would like to help raise money for the victims of the recent floods. Can you donate a painting, drawing, photo print, collage, or other wall-hung delight? Do you have something nice that you’d like to sell at a Sunday market at one of Melbourne’s most popular exhibition, and hang-out spaces? Want to help out in any way possible?

We’re looking for all types of artists to donate a piece of work to exhibit for a week, and to be auctioned to raise money for the flood victims // We’re looking for people to hold a stall at a Sunday market, where the stall-hire fee (and some of the profits, if you feel generous) go to the flood victims // We’re looking for people to donate items to be used as raffle prizes to raise money for flood victims // We’re looking for people with a voice, to help us get the word out about this fundraiser // We’re looking for people to come to the exhibition, launch party, and Sunday market, to enjoy themselves and know that part-proceeds from the bar and cafe, and anything they buy will contribute toward a donation for the flood victims //

// All artists who contribute work to the exhibition will be featured in the next issue of Thelma Magazine. And all market stall holders will be interviewed and featured on this blog over the next month. //

It’s devastating to see so many people lose their homes, belongings and workplaces to the recent floods in Queensland, Northern Victoria and New South Wales. We’ve been paying very close attention to the news for updates on the situation in Queensland, and the effects that have been flowing on throughout the rest of the country. Our thoughts and well-wishes are with you Queenslanders, as well as with all other Australians suffering the effects of this disaster.

We want to do something to help. So we’ve partnered up with iconic Melbourne venue, £1000 Bend to arrange a week-long exhibition event to fundraise for the flood relief appeal.

The exhibition started yesterday Tuesday, February 1, 2011 and will be celebrated with a launch party tomorrow on Thursday, February 3, and an indoor market on Sunday, February 6. For those passing through Melbourne during that week, the exhibition will be open daily between 11am-6pm. The exhibition will feature donated works — all to be sold to benefit flood victims.

The Sunday market will run from 11am-4pm on Sunday, February 6 amongst our fantastic art show. All profits from stall hire at the market, along with all donations, art sale profits, and a percentage of bar and cafe sales will go towards the Thelma Magazine and £1000 Bend donation to the flood relief appeal.

Want to know more? Want to get involved? Want to have your art exhibited, or to hold a stall at the market? Visit our event page at thelmamagazine.com or get in touch with Kealey at kealey@thelmamagazine.com

Not in Melbourne, but want to donate anyway? Visit the event page to contribute via PayPal. Or send us some art to exhibit, and tell your friends to check out the website.

opening a gallery was never going to be easy

It’s been a while since my last progress report on the opening of one hundredth gallery, and lots and lots has been happening!

the good news!

The free online exhibition series has started off really well.  Two very talented artists, Brian Mangano (photography) and Janicke Johansen (painting and drawing) are currently exhibiting and several other artists are preparing their exhibitions.   I do hope that more artists take up this special offer before it ends in April 2011.

The gallery floors are finished!  It took three coats and some eye-watering expense, but we have got there.  The first coat of glossy sealer was all but absorbed by the concrete.   The second coat left quite a few patches and the third coat fixed most of them.  In hindsight, I should have just painted the floors grey, black, or white, but the polished concrete does have a beautiful look to it!

The bad news!

My planning application to open the physical gallery was lodged a little over 2 weeks ago now and there hasn’t been any progress, or feedback from the council (except for their acknowledgement letter).

One of the bigger challenges that I’m currently facing is that the ATO are auditing my business activity statements.  I re-registered for GST mid last year is an effort to do the right thing by our government.  As I only left my full-time employment at the end of October, the ATO now need me to explain why I have a business incurring expenses with no income.  Perhaps they could ask the council why I have no income and get my planning application pushed through?!

I don’t mind the audit as all of my books and expenses are 100% up to date, but I have already invested significant amounts of time in providing the ATO with responses and evidence; and the ordeal is not yet over. 

With all of this bureaucracy, I can now better understand why so many businesses go under in their first year of operation… it all becomes too hard; and spending time on paperwork etc. is time not spent on making the business successful.

Rest assured that one hundredth gallery and I will not be one of these statistics.

the other news

Now that the floors are finished, we should be able to start installing the new gallery walls this week.  That will then allow us to install the hanging system and gallery lighting in the very near future.

We will soon be working on a new 100thgallery.com website that moves away from being a blog site, and moves towards being a gallery site.  This blog was always designed to document my journey towards opening the gallery.  When the gallery opens, we will need a website that best promotes and exhibits our artists.  It is our intention to open the gallery and launch new website at about the same time – hopefully May 2011.

Our facebook fan page is also now set up.  You can become a fan of one hundredth gallery at www.facebook.com/100thgallery.

You can also follow our journey on twitter at http://twitter.com/100thgallery.

every artist deserves the chance to exhibit

I’m in the process of opening a gallery for aspiring and emerging artists as I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to pursue their artistic dreams.  I’ve run into some small hurdles which will delay the opening of my physical premises in Prahran til about May 2011.  Whilst we’re waiting, I thought it a good idea to run online exhibitions between February and April 2011 for up to 100 artists, for free.  

For a grand total of $0.00, you will get – 

  • Your own page on 100thgallery.com with a brief bio and up to ten of your works displayed for at least 4 weeks
  • A blog post (written by you and I) on your collection and your work
  • Links from 100thgallery to your own website and to your contact details so that potential buyers can contact you directly
  • Promotion via the 100thgallery facebook fan page and 100thgallery twitter account

What do you have to do? 

Email me at charles@100thgallery.com with –

  • A short bio of around 200-300 words
  • Photos of up to 10 of your artworks (up to 500KB each)
  • A description of each artwork (title, dimensions in mm, mediums used, price)
  • Your email contact details and your website address if you have one
  • Your location (in Australia) and whether you will mail Australia wide

Fine Print

  • There is no fine-print other than I’ll probably limit this offer to 100 artists with a preference towards aspiring and emerging artists.
  • Oh, and I will reserve the right to exhibit or not exhibit work to ensure that we have the greatest chance of success.

So, what are you waiting for?