exhibitions, walls, lights, and a door

With the exception of the council planning application, we are gaining some wonderful momentum at one hundredth gallery!


We have at least three new online exhibitions opening this week!  Pete Goodlet’s second exhibition ‘The Beauty is in the Moment’ launched this morning; a second exhibition by Wolfgang Glowacki launches tomorrow; and a new exhibition by artist/photographer Mark Harman will open on Wednesday.

Another five artists are currently preparing their exhibitions so we may have even more new art for you after Wednesday!


The walls are almost finished!  We worked through most of Saturday to put up the final coats of render on all but one wall.  I will be sanding and painting them this week, getting us one step closer to completion.


The lights are in and are working brilliantly.   The flexibility of the system is wonderful with multi-directional lighting units and the ability to put them wherever they are needed. 

The front window lights have been installed on a timer so that they can be on most of the night; and the interior lights have been installed on a sensor so that we can minimise our electricity use and carbon footprint.

A Door

One of the most exciting things that happened last week was that I hung a door…  all by myself.  A door!  Not only did it fit in its doorway, it swings and even opens and closes.  I was never very good at woodwork at school so this is a huge achievement for me (and was also a huge surprise!).  Okay, you can all stop laughing now…

The council planning application

No progress to report.