the pricing strategy

I mentioned in a previous post that unlike most art galleries, one hundredth gallery will focus on exhibiting emerging artists and that we won’t charge exorbitant commissions to display artists’ work.

Instead, the one hundredth gallery concept revolves around renting wall space at a reasonable fixed cost with a small commission on sales, so artists share in the risk and reward for exhibiting and selling their work. 

Based on current modelling, one hundredth gallery’s pricing structure will look something like this:

  • Rented wall space will be for 2 weeks at a time (including move in and move out)
  • A dedicated three metre wall will cost $330 for two weeks
  • A dedicated four metre wall will cost $440 for two weeks
  • Artists can hire more than one wall but not less than one wall (unless a wall is being shared)
  • The whole gallery can be rented based on the prices quoted above
  • Sales commission will be 11% of selling price
  • All prices include GST

This type of model turns ‘normal’ gallery pricing on its head and allows artists to better control the value of their work without losing 40% or 50% in commissions.

Artists will still need to submit the portfolio of work that they wish to exhibit for approval, and so that they can be scheduled with other ‘like’ artists. 

If you’re an artist (emerging otherwise), I’m currently taking bookings for the first half of 2011. If you’re interested, please get in touch via email on